Sunday 31 October 2010

31.10 Happy Halloween!!!

I am sure the goblins and the fairies have been messing about with my runs this week!

Today's target was 6 miles but in my wisdom I decided to put 10k on my watch ... I must have been mad, tired or still suffering from my previous days tummy upset because that equates to 6.22 miles.

That said the first 2 miles actually felt comfortable and did them in 24minutes even the next mile wasn't too bad and saw me at the 5k mark at 37mins not too shabby.... ahh but this is where the goblins then attack because what I forgot was when you go downhill in an out and back route you have to go up that same god forsaken hill on the way back.

And my god up hill is an understatement, I had to go from mile 3 to mile 5 uphill, that's a whole 2 miles of solid soul destroying hill...... 2 miles of torture that had me racking my brains for alternative routes, and at one point wishing I had some money on me to hop on the bus home!!

But as someone once said I am thrawn (vaguely remember telling the midwife that when I was in labour!) and will not give up so what if I had to walk up the hill London is flat(ish) isn't it?

All in all not a bad run and did the 6.22 miles in 1hr 19 minutes so now only another 20miles to add to that distance (14 in training terms according to the plans). I need to get the 10k time down to about 1hr 10mins though if the race prediction calculators are anything to go by as that should see me under the 6hr mark.

I think psychologically once I have managed a 10 mile run or a double figure one then maybe then I might believe that this is all possible. I certainly went through enough emotion's this morning from what the hell am I doing to yey this is going to be ok.

Pain wise, I am suffering a bit at the moment. My ankle is slightly sore and swollen ironically not from running but wearing boots to work, but today I did twist it on the kerb which means it is currently strapped up. And as for my right hip.... well we wont discuss that shall we, if I don't say that its sore out loud then its not sore ok?!

Tune in tomorrow for the next thrilling instalment of the measured mile and hopefully a weight loss that reflects the miles I have put in this week.

Friday 29 October 2010

29.10 What a week!

Hmm with a week of runs or rather failed runs like these I start to lose faith that I can do this marathon lark.

Wednesday I went out for a run in my lunch time, no bother I thought its only 2.2 miles but oh boy was I wrong. I have drive the route that I took many times and I knew it was hilly but nothing prepared me for the steepness and the effect of running into the North Sea wind.

And as for the road surface it got to the point where it was hurting my ankles to run any more and I ended up limping up the hill around Nigg bag and round the Nigg lighthouse. I duly returned back to work looking more purple than a ribenna berry and grumpier than a grumpy thing as I felt so down about it. However, on reflection I did manage the 2.2 miles in 28minutes.

Wednesday evening I went out for another run again I felt everything was against me! The goal was to do 4 miles but I cut it short as yet again my crappy asthma started to annoy me.... result another failed run or so i thought till I checked my times and i had actually managed those 2 miles in 24 minutes which I was quite chuffed with.

Roll on to tonight, its a howling gale here so I decided it was time for the treadmill to get its first airing, but oh my god just how hard are those things. I was pouring of sweat within 5 minutes and I couldn't get the right speed either!

Didn't help that we decided to go to Giraffe for dinner tonight, so it might have been a bit ambitious to think I could run one mile let alone that elusive 4! Yet again I had to give up but did so after 1.66 miles (in 20 mins).

I decided to attempt the rest of the 4 miles outside but forgot about the wind doh! And then my stomach started to become very very upset so home I headed after 0.66 miles so a crap day today.

And on reflection a pretty crap week all round for runs and I feel as if I am failing and ramping up the miles.

I am hoping that the mummy mantra of "this too will pass" is applicable in this situation......... fingers crossed the 6 miles on Sunday will give me a more positive outlook.

Monday 25 October 2010

25.10.10 What is Right the Iphone or the Garmin???

Tonight saw my measured mile the now iconic Monday tradition.

The results hmm thats the problem, tonight the iphone and my Garmin are saying two different things:

Iphone - 1mile in 11 minutes 25 seconds
Garmin - 1 mile in 10 minutes 58 seconds

So which one do I go with who do I believe... answer neither will try again next week lol!
On the weigh-in front well this week the results are

13st 3.5 lbs which means amazingly have stayed the same this week - result!

Sunday 24 October 2010

24.10 Loch Etive

24.10 Loch Etive
Originally uploaded by lorian45
thought I would show you where I had the pleasure of running this week, the banks of Loch Etive in Argyll

Saturday 23 October 2010

23.10.10 The Longest Run (and the weekly update!)

Away this week in North Connel to catch up with family and was dreading not keeping up the runs as it is very easy to slip into holiday mode here (along with wine consumption too!).

Wednesday (20.10.)
I went out with the intention of doing 4 miles but the best laid plans and all that. What I did realise is that I need new running gear which incorporates long tops, long trousers and gloves. It was -1 and boy was it cold and frosty, to the point that my fingers were falling off and my leg kept going into cramp.

I ended up cutting this run short as it was a just hell on earth, I came back to where we were staying really fed up and annoyed and to be honest worried what the hell I have done.

Saturday (23.10)
Hmm last night we consumed perhaps one glass of wine too many, which resulted in a sluggish start this morning!

However, my fab sister agreed to look after Christina to allow Ian and I to get out together and he was determined that we were doing a 5 miler....... 5 miles you have to be joking. But apparently not and he dragged me out of my cosy bed at 8.45 am to have breakfast.

Amazingly I actually enjoyed my run today, the first mile was tough though as my asthma decided to play up a little bit with a grotty chest and a slight hangover too! However, having Ian with me helped me to keep going and keep going I did.

I reached 5k in 37 minutes which is the best time yet and did the 5miles in 1hr 2mins, I even think i could have had it under the hour had I not given up trying to get up a hill.

Hopefully this increasing my distance by one mile a week is going to pay off.

On the weight front not had a chance to weigh in this week so watch this space but as I have had a lot of wine consumption, lunches out and erm a full fried brunch (well I had burnt off 700 calories today) I am not holding my breath.

Monday 18 October 2010

18.10.10 Progress?

Another measured mile Monday is upon us and the results this week :

1 mile in ........... 11mins 09 seconds that is a whole 1 minute and 8 seconds quicker than last week and whats more is I actually managed to run more than I walked!!

So chuffed although not so chuffed when I converted that on a pace calculator as it told me that it would still take just over 6 hours to complete the marathon ho hum it can only get better.

Off to Oban tomorrow so at least the training can be on flatter ground and maybe we might both get to go out together too?!

I am really motivated today diet wise as well which is all good as the lighter that I can be the easier this will be on my body (or so I keep telling myself). What I do need to get a better grip on is hydration as I have a lovely migraine as I type and that is all to do with lack of fluids must do better.

On another note I have found an internet buddy who is also doing the London Marathon yay for internet wierdies as we are both at the same level and are both following weight watchers.

Sunday 17 October 2010

17.10.10 - 4 Miles and a Personal Best

Sundays are always our long run day but with both of us running it makes for a long day as we can't do it at the same time!

Anyway, it was my turn to go out this morning but it took ages to get motivated and away from the limpet child.

The run itself was up and down rather like the course actually. I was very proud at one point as my average pace was around the 6min 30 sec per KM mark but as the course got more uphill that all went to pot.

Didn't help that I had to stop and re-do my trainers thanks to my non falling down socks falling down lol!! Which means I now spot two rather pleasant blisters at the back off my heels ho hum the joys of running.

The best bit was completing 6.6km today or just over 4 miles in old money. The even better bit was hearing Paula Radcliffe's voice coming from my Ipod saying that I had a new PB for a 5km.
Yup that is right a PB, today I managed to run 5km in just over 38mins wooo hooo the best time I have done for a long time (still need to knock off 4 mins to get to where I was in 2006).

The 4miles I managed in exactly 50mins not fantastic but not too shabby either with an average pace of just under 8km or 7.5km per hour.

You know something although today was tough in a lot of places and I could have quite happily accepted a lift from well anyone, I actually felt a sense of achievement. What is more dare I say it.... I think I can do this. Ok so I still need to add another 22 miles to my distance but I have already achieved 4 miles..................... watch this space but with all the hills I am trying to run up surely this can be done?

Saturday 16 October 2010

16.10.10 Ups and Downs

Hmm not the week I had planned between no energy, active toddler, busy at work (and home) and lack of sleep everything has gone to pot this week.

Which is annoying given the positive start to the week so this week I failed to get into the double figures in mileage that I need to be at by now. But I will do better this week coming.

In saying that the amount of energy I have used in the last 48 hours sweeping, painting and tidying up our back garden after our new fence went up should about cover the lack of running shouldn't it???!

In the spirit of good old Scarlet O'Hara tomorrow is another day and the plan is to achieve 4miles and running 3mins then walking 1 for 10 times each that is more than doable.........

week one weigh in 13st 3.5lbs which is a whole -1lb loss

Tuesday 12 October 2010

11.10.10 The Measured Mile

Well it was about time that I attempted a measured mile after a sluggish 5k yesterday.

But before I even stepped outside I discovered that I have my own personal trainer! Yes that's right I have someone else in the house who is wanting me to train. As soon as Ian came home tonight Christina gave me my trainers and told me to go for a run, even tough I was thinking of lots of excuses not to go out!

However, I put on my new trainers and headed out determined to do at least a 13 minute mile. Couldn't manage to run the whole mile but I did manage to run 8 minutes (not all at once but its better than yesterday)

So the final result: 1 mile in 12 mins and 17 secs.............bring it on

Weight loss : weigh in is on Friday but at the moment doesn't look too promising as we had a couple of meals out at the weekend but trying very hard to WW point so fingers crossed even a lb would help.

Sunday 10 October 2010

10.10.10 the training really does begin

Its amazing how time flies it is already 1.5 weeks since we heard we got into the London Marathon eek how did that happen. I sat there and thought oh ok we have 26 weeks but we dont have the luxury now!

However, as an aside its also a really happy day today as I heard that my big cuz had a lovely beautiful baby girl today so welcome to the world Aisling and congratulations Iain, Pu San and Annabel...... I promise I will get my cross stitch finished but then she is three weeks early!

Back to the training.

So today I had grand plans have a run in the morning, then Ian could go out for his and after all that we would take toots for a swim popping into Tesco's on the way home. The best laid plans of mice and men.

I woke up feeling lousy, toots was really clingy and didn't want to do anything at all. Eventually we made it to Tesco's at 11. Anyhoo we headed out for our runs in the afternoon and i headed out at 2.30 with my new iphone armband and my Nike+ gps app running.

Oh god did i suffer today I could barely run for one minute let alone the two I was supposed to. So fed up with it today but onwards and upwards and still managed to cover 5Km in 41mins and 8 secs with an average pace of 8.22km must do better.

Then after tea tonight I did the first night of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred as I need more strength in my legs, not sure if it will help that but hey if it means I actually lose some weight i really don't care.

Oh and in other news we are now the proud owners of a spanking never been used treadmill .... shame we have no room for any other furniture now so watch this space it may be going back on ebay very shortly.

Friday 8 October 2010

The Ugly Truth

well the scales seem to be working again so here it is ..... the ugly truth .............

Today I tip the scales at 13 stone 4 3/4 lbs that is 186 3/4 lbs and god knows what in new money. At 5ft 2" that makes me look like a rather nice round barrel.

To say I am disgusted is an understatment although it is still 16lbs lighter than a year ago its 11lbs more than when I found out I was pregnant in 2007 and 25lbs away from the lightest I was when I lost weight in 2006 (and did that through WW and running).

But I will not be that weight again and I am determined to be 12 stone something by the end of this month (that is doable right?)

Training this week has been non existent thanks to the late nights by hubby. But tomorrow a new addition arrives in the family, where we are going to put it I have no earthly idea but watch this space for an update on the road trip to Ballater to pick up a treadmill.

Monday 4 October 2010

How to train?

Argh this training lark is already not easy! But then life never is and curve balls are always around the corner right?

Tonight I was supposed to go out on my homemade training programme and up the time running from last week by 10 minutes (hopefully increasing the distance by another 1.5km), but twas not to be as Hubby has had to go to Glasgow and Edinburgh for work for the night.

So last night I thought I could do it in this morning ... but no turned the alarm clock off as was too tired after being in Inverness for the weekend. This really is not a promising start is it?!

My scales are still not fixed so not able to be honest and take the first step towards weight loss either, but then after eating and drinking all weekend I am not optimistic as to what they are going to tell me either lol!

Hopefully tomorrows update will be to say how many miles I managed without passing out......

Friday 1 October 2010

30.09 Oh crap!!!

30.09 Oh crap!!!
Originally uploaded by lorian45

To Charity or Not to Charity

The first dilema facing Hubby and I is more which charity to do run for rather than are we doing it for a charity!

Something as high profile as VLM you need to do it for charity ... don't you? But does that then put pressure on you in doing it even if you aren't fit or does it give you an added incentive?

Hmm not sure is the honest answer but we have decided that we will do it for two charities:

British Heart Foundation
MacMillan Cancer

Both causes that are deeply important to both of us and our families so there you go

New Beginnings

So the day after getting the news that in six months time I will be hauling my butt around London. Today is officially the first day to change my life.

Me ... who am I? Why am I doing this?

Hmm I think I spent last night dreaming as to why I am doing this! In 2006 my H and I went on a weight loss journey shedding over 7 stone between us and took up running. During this time we decided that we were going to do the London Marathon no matter what.

Each year we filled in the forms and sent them off hoping that we didn't get in that year that we would have another year to do some mythical training.

Sorry jumped ahead there didn't I ... me well I am a mum thirty something to a fiery, fun and feisty 32 month old daughter. Work three days a week and attempt to get out every blue moon to begin running again. You see my training went to pot once I became pregnant and then I just couldn't be bothered.

So why is this changing my life? Simple to run a marathon I will need to be fit, and I certainly need to be a darn sight lighter than I am now....

so are you ready to follow my trials and tribulations of running and weight loss and generally attempting to be a decentish mummy? Who is going to somehow manage to juggle working, bringing up said daughter, looking the house and a husband too (who is also training btw!)