Saturday 23 October 2010

23.10.10 The Longest Run (and the weekly update!)

Away this week in North Connel to catch up with family and was dreading not keeping up the runs as it is very easy to slip into holiday mode here (along with wine consumption too!).

Wednesday (20.10.)
I went out with the intention of doing 4 miles but the best laid plans and all that. What I did realise is that I need new running gear which incorporates long tops, long trousers and gloves. It was -1 and boy was it cold and frosty, to the point that my fingers were falling off and my leg kept going into cramp.

I ended up cutting this run short as it was a just hell on earth, I came back to where we were staying really fed up and annoyed and to be honest worried what the hell I have done.

Saturday (23.10)
Hmm last night we consumed perhaps one glass of wine too many, which resulted in a sluggish start this morning!

However, my fab sister agreed to look after Christina to allow Ian and I to get out together and he was determined that we were doing a 5 miler....... 5 miles you have to be joking. But apparently not and he dragged me out of my cosy bed at 8.45 am to have breakfast.

Amazingly I actually enjoyed my run today, the first mile was tough though as my asthma decided to play up a little bit with a grotty chest and a slight hangover too! However, having Ian with me helped me to keep going and keep going I did.

I reached 5k in 37 minutes which is the best time yet and did the 5miles in 1hr 2mins, I even think i could have had it under the hour had I not given up trying to get up a hill.

Hopefully this increasing my distance by one mile a week is going to pay off.

On the weight front not had a chance to weigh in this week so watch this space but as I have had a lot of wine consumption, lunches out and erm a full fried brunch (well I had burnt off 700 calories today) I am not holding my breath.

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