Sunday 31 October 2010

31.10 Happy Halloween!!!

I am sure the goblins and the fairies have been messing about with my runs this week!

Today's target was 6 miles but in my wisdom I decided to put 10k on my watch ... I must have been mad, tired or still suffering from my previous days tummy upset because that equates to 6.22 miles.

That said the first 2 miles actually felt comfortable and did them in 24minutes even the next mile wasn't too bad and saw me at the 5k mark at 37mins not too shabby.... ahh but this is where the goblins then attack because what I forgot was when you go downhill in an out and back route you have to go up that same god forsaken hill on the way back.

And my god up hill is an understatement, I had to go from mile 3 to mile 5 uphill, that's a whole 2 miles of solid soul destroying hill...... 2 miles of torture that had me racking my brains for alternative routes, and at one point wishing I had some money on me to hop on the bus home!!

But as someone once said I am thrawn (vaguely remember telling the midwife that when I was in labour!) and will not give up so what if I had to walk up the hill London is flat(ish) isn't it?

All in all not a bad run and did the 6.22 miles in 1hr 19 minutes so now only another 20miles to add to that distance (14 in training terms according to the plans). I need to get the 10k time down to about 1hr 10mins though if the race prediction calculators are anything to go by as that should see me under the 6hr mark.

I think psychologically once I have managed a 10 mile run or a double figure one then maybe then I might believe that this is all possible. I certainly went through enough emotion's this morning from what the hell am I doing to yey this is going to be ok.

Pain wise, I am suffering a bit at the moment. My ankle is slightly sore and swollen ironically not from running but wearing boots to work, but today I did twist it on the kerb which means it is currently strapped up. And as for my right hip.... well we wont discuss that shall we, if I don't say that its sore out loud then its not sore ok?!

Tune in tomorrow for the next thrilling instalment of the measured mile and hopefully a weight loss that reflects the miles I have put in this week.

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